Monday, September 24, 2007

Catalina State Park

Here is my painting from this morning. Those are gnats stuck on it.
The grasshoppers and buzzy things were nuts!
Trying the techniques from "Alla Prima, All I Know About Painting " by Schmid
This turned out OK... in other words I don't hate it!
This is pic of our painting spot, that's Gale painting there.
Really needed the umbrella since the sun was in front of us.

Like the celery I did the night before better!

And a Rufus pic!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First Plein Air of Season

First Painting of the 2007-2008 season. Poured rain the night before and left a rare sliver of water on the floor of the wash to reflect the sky. It was drying up by the time I finished painting. You can feel fall in the air, a cool breeze brought in beautiful clouds. Of course I could not paint them in. Painters can chase shadows all day and end up with a mud painting. You learn that one quick but the temptation is always there. Used the Water Mixable oils and a limited palette.
If you click on pic you get the huge version, there are grains of sand on the lower left. Have to wait til it drys to brush them off!

Here is Rufus cooling off on the top step of the pool where I put bricks for him. He loves to run like a horse after getting out, sometimes through the house and onto your lap.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Old Wallet

The switch to working Mon - Fri gave me the day after Labor Day off.
I cleaned my room like I had been meaning to all summer when I started a full time job.
Found my old wallets while cleaning. Girls do not throw out their old wallets, I had two red ones and this one had the hinged change area. So it is not a statement about being broke and having an empty wallet although my Ball & Chain suggested I put it over my check book as inspiration.
Spent about 4 hours total over the day (had to stop for a nap). Panel is 8 X 10. Used water mixable oils and a limited palette. Warm and cool of each primary, black and white. Trying to get in gear for the upcoming plein air season. The water mixable oils act a little differently than the Alkyds I use. I needed soft brushes to blend and not leave bristle marks. A clean brush blends wonderfully and a little dampness would "revive" an area.
Wish I had moved the subject up a little and had just the panels behind it for compositional horizon lines but now I know. Was in such a hurry to DO IT!

Joy is a puppy on your lap while you paint! Here is a Rufus Pic!