The switch to working Mon - Fri gave me the day after Labor Day off.
I cleaned my room like I had been meaning to all summer when I started a full time job.
Found my old wallets while cleaning. Girls do not throw out their old wallets, I had two red ones and this one had the hinged change area. So it is not a statement about being broke and having an empty wallet although my Ball & Chain suggested I put it over my check book as inspiration.
Spent about 4 hours total over the day (had to stop for a nap). Panel is 8 X 10. Used water mixable oils and a limited palette. Warm and cool of each primary, black and white. Trying to get in gear for the upcoming plein air season. The water mixable oils act a little differently than the Alkyds I use. I needed soft brushes to blend and not leave bristle marks. A clean brush blends wonderfully and a little dampness would "revive" an area.
Wish I had moved the subject up a little and had just the panels behind it for compositional horizon lines but now I know. Was in such a hurry to DO IT!

Joy is a puppy on your lap while you paint! Here is a Rufus Pic!