Monday, February 5, 2007

The beginning

I gave in and started a blog!

Mostly to participate in Friday Illustration and share images/links with my students.

Here is the first one!

Subject "Sprout"


Michelle Lana said...

Beautiful work! love it.

Valaine said...


Brine Blank said...

I thought the bulb was a snail shell from the thumb! Very nice work...

get zapped said...

Yes, it is lovely! So full of life. Welcome to blog land ; )

Jana said...

very cool! love it!

Christine said...

Wow, this is amazing. I had to enlarge it to look at the details. Beautiful.

SeanC said...

Nice work in the case shadows!

I checked out your website also. Wonderful Plein air illustrations and figure drawings! You should do a 3d recreation of your favorite plein air.